10 February 2011

stuffed eggs :D

Today I want to share with all of you on how to cook stuffed eggs. Before you cook, you need all the ingredients right? Below I will show all the ingredients. Before you cook, you need to MAKE SURE that the ingredients are correct :D


- 4 eggs

- 2 tablespoons of tomato sauce

- 6 large prawns (boiled and chopped)

- 2 tablespoons butter

- Salt to taste

- 1 spring onion plants

- Chilies and parsley to garnish

Ok, now it’s a time to cook. Get ready ok! J

Firstly, you need to boil all the eggs. Boil until the egg cook. After that, wait for a while before cut them into halves length wise all the hard boil eggs. Then, separate all the yolk. Next, you need to chop the prawns and spring onions. Take big bowl and mash the yolk with other ingredients and mix them properly. Ok! After that, fill all the eggs with the mixture. Lastly, use parsley for garnishing. Huh! The stuffed eggs are ready to be served :DD

** enjoy your cook :))